Identification and classification of ongoing WFC efforts
A continuously growing database of finalized, ongoing and newly started WFC activities, both in academia and industry. An initial flowchart of potential interactions can be found here.

¶ Task 31 Wakebench: International Wind farm Flow Modelling and Evaluation Framework
- Both Task 31 and Tak 44 have their primary focus on wake interaction between turbines
- Contact: Operating Agent Antonio Ugarte, CENER
- Especially relevant for lidar-assisted control as a part of WFFC & UQ best practices
- Contact: Operating Agents Andrew Clifton, SWE and David Schlipf, WETI – Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
- Forecast uncertainty quantification and reduction is an integral part of closed-loop control
- With the new extension of the task (as IEA Wind Task 51), minute-scale forecasting is of particular interest
- Contact: Operating Agent Gregor Giebel, DTU
- Potential systematic optimization, combining wind flow control and layout
- Ontology development (sharing definitions, meta-data, etc.) for better exchange of models & concepts
- Development of (controllable) reference wind power plants
- Contact: Operating Agent Katherine Dykes, DTU
- Assess the economic benefits of WFFC as a whole
- Contact: Operating Agent Eric Lantz, NREL
- Reference Floating WPP
- Floating wake models (aero + hydro)
- Contact: Operating Agent Matt.Shields, NREL
- Lillgrund experiments (recently completed)
- LES database of Lillgrund → open-access upon request
- LES database of TotalControl Reference WPP (32 x DTU 10 MW) → open-access (further information & download here)
- Stochastic WF control including optimal O&M (see project deliverable D1.2)
- Comprehensive assessment and reduction of uncertainties in load assessment for offshore turbines
- Special focus on floating
- Floating Wake Control (within WP4 of the project)
- Floating WTC as a basis for floating WFFC (within WP6 of the project)
- Effect of different atmospheric and climate conditions, as well as blade damage, on wind farm operation and control
- Integration of multi-source and multi-format data of varied nature from wind farms in different life stages
- AI-enabled integration of multi-disciplinary processes and phenomena affecting the wind farm operation
- Integration of multi-objective prospects of WFC to assess the true added value of a certain operation mode
- Integration of multi-level controllers and scenario analyses in decision support provision for harmonious co-existence of wind power plants with their environment and society via optimised operation and design
- Floating Wake models and control
- Economic benefits of floating wake control
¶ Smart Wind (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany, 2020-2023)
- Predictive maintenance and operational control
¶ Compact Wind I (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany, 2014-2016)
- First wind tunnel demonstration of wake steering
¶ Compact Wind II (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany, 2018-2022)
- Field campaign of wake steering on two eno wind turbines equipped with load sensors, lidars and met mast present at the site; field demonstration of wind sensing to detect inflow from blade loads
¶ PowerTracker (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany, 2021-2024)
- Active power control with combined wake steering and induction, wind tunnel experiments, field test campaign planned
¶ e-TWINS (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany, 2020-2023)
- load-aware wind farm control with lifetime as a constraint, wind tunnel demonstration
- Results from a number of existing experiments analysed consistently
- New WF(F)C tests
- Contact the organization committee for further information and sign-up
- Collaborative international wake observation and validation campaign
- Experiments in US sites
- Open to any interested party
- defining science goals
- contributing to measurements
- sourcing funding
- Contact the organizing committee for further information and joining the mail list
- Gradient based optimization, moving from LES studies to wind tunnel